This is a repository of installed software. The tar files are made after installation and contain all original files (usually saved as filename.orig) as well as the local modifications (e.g., in the makefile).


A fast but capable editor by J. E. Davis. Unpack the file in some local directory. Before running jed, you have to set a variable; example:

"setenv JED_ROOT /usr/local/util/jed97-14/jed".

Also move the binary to your path. (The last directory in the string must be the directory named "jed". This is contained in the tar file.)

I like Jed because (1) I grew up on a Vax (2) it is fast and I can use it like vi (fast in-fast out) (3) it never breaks down over a modem line or network, even with fast typing (4) I don't like to hang my files in buffers to dry like linen (even better, I CAN do it if I like!).

I thank John E. Davis for help in installing the program. I hope I'm not breaching any copyright issue by publishing the distribution in this form. All original files are included.


A local TeX installation. May be obsolete.

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