FILE NAMES The files named "bench_*" contain benchmark results. They basically compare a single program version on different machines. The files named "opt_*" compare different program versions on a single machine or on several different machines. The fastest versions on different machines are usually quite different. The files named "PACK_*" contain the source code for the benchmarks. The files may be updated from time to time. SPECIFIC FILES Bench_bm_a.txt is a recent comparison of different machines using -------------- realistic programs. It describes the benchmark called "bm_a." It uses only two versions of the critical routines; one with explicit DO-loops and another with a call to DGEMM. bench_bm_mm.txt is a matrix multiplication benchmark. It lists --------------- results for rather large program sizes. bench_bm_mm_ww.txt is a supplemental matrix multiplication ------------------ benchmark, run on some workstations. opt_rrpsm.txt compares different versions of the critical part ------------- of the program used for the "bm_a" benchmark on the Convex C-3860 and SGI Power Challenge L (R8000, 75MHz).