Finite-Temperature Lanczos Method

The method is designed for calculation of dynamical and statical correlation functions in small systems at finite temperatures (see. J. Jaklic and P. Prelovsek, Phys. Rev. B 49 , 5065-8 (1994)). It has been applied to variety of models (e.g. t-J, Hubbard, Heisenberg) and the problems studied so far include:

Example 1: optical conductivity of the two-dimensional t-J model

Shown is the optical conductivity for 7 electrons on 10 lattice sites.
Exact result:
full diagonalization, matrices up to 420 x 420
FT Lanczos method:
1% random sampling and 40 Lanczos steps
Largest system treated so far:
15 electrons on 18 sites (exact result would require diagonalization of 291720 x 291720 matrix)

Example 2: spin susceptibility of two coupled Heisenberg chains

The figure shows comparison of the results obtained with the Lanczos method to the results of exact diagonalization and Quantum Monte Carlo.
The 2 x 10 Lanczos results were obtained by sampling over ~1000 random states and using ~30 Lanczos steps. The calculation took around 1 hour of CPU on Convex 3800. Exact result would require several full diagonalisations of matrices with sizes up to 9278 x 9278.

Last update made on June 20, 1996 by J.J.