% ****** Start of file apssamp.tex ****** % % This file is part of the APS files in the REVTeX 3.0 distribution. % Version 3.0 of REVTeX, November 10, 1992. % % Copyright (c) 1992 The American Physical Society. % % See the REVTeX 3.0 README file for restrictions and more information. % % % % \documentstyle[preprint,eqsecnum,aps]{revtex} \documentstyle[eqsecnum,aps]{revtex} \def\btt#1{{\tt$\backslash$#1}} \begin{document} \draft \preprint{HEP/123-qed} \title{Title of manuscript:\\ Force line breaks with $\backslash\backslash$ } \author{A. A. Author and B. B. Author\cite{byline}\\ Lines break automatically or can be forced with $\backslash\backslash$} \address{ Authors' institution and/or address\\ This line break forced with $\backslash\backslash$ } \author{C. C. Author} \address{ Second author institution and/or address\\ This line break forced with $\backslash\backslash$ } \date{\today} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The author will not know the received date when the compuscript is first submitted; production will insert this. Every article includes an abstract. The abstract is a concise summary of the work covered at length in the main body of the article. It is used for secondary publications and for information retrieval purposes. Valid PACS numbers should be entered after the abstract is finished, using the \verb+\pacs{#1}+ command. \end{abstract} \pacs{Valid PACS appear here. {\tt$\backslash$\string pacs\{\}} should always be input, even if empty.} \narrowtext \section{First-level heading:\protect\\ The line break was forced via $\backslash\backslash$} \label{sec:level1} Here is the first sentence in Sec.\ \ref{sec:level1}, demonstrating section cross-referencing. Note that this sample file was run with the eqsecnum option selected. Here is an openface one: $\openone$. This file (apssamp.tex) contains comments marking the start/end of the pages of galley-style output. This should make it easier to compare the output to the input file. \subsection{Second-level heading:\protect\\ The line break was forced via $\backslash\backslash$} \label{sec:level2} Here is the first sentence in Sec.\ \ref{sec:level2}, demonstrating section cross-referencing. The command \btt{narrowtext} will make the text this width. The command \btt{widetext} will make the text the width of the full page, as on page \pageref{wideeq}. A blank input line tells \TeX\ that a new paragraph begins. The width-changing commands only take effect in galley style (the default style). Preprint style gives output of a constant width. This file may be run in both preprint and galley styles. Preprint format is used for submission purposes. Galley format is used in production to produce final output. When commands are referred to in this example file, they are always shown with their mandatory arguments, using normal \TeX{} format. In this format, \verb+#1+, \verb+#2+, etc. stand for mandatory author-supplied arguments to commands. For example, in \verb+\section{#1}+ the \verb+#1+ stands for the text of the author's section heading, and in \verb+\title{#1}+ the \verb+#1+ stands for the title of the paper. %*** %*** E n d o f p a g e 1 o f g a l l e y - m o d e o u t p u t %*** Reference citations in text use the command \verb+\cite{#1}+. \verb+#1+ may contain letters and numbers. In the reference section of this paper each reference is ``tagged'' by the \verb+\bibitem{#1}+ command. \verb+#1+ should be {\em identical\/} in both commands. The proper form for citing in text is \verb+\cite{#1}+, and the result is shown here \cite{smith82,jones78}. We will cite other people \cite{smith82,jonessmith80} and journals here. We also cite other people again (Refs.\ \onlinecite{smith82} and \onlinecite{jonessmith80}). It is worth mentioning that REV\TeX{} ``collapses'' lists of reference numbers where possible. We now cite everyone together \cite{smith82,jones78,jonessmith80}, and once again (Refs.\ \onlinecite{smith82,jones78,jonessmith80}). When the {\tt prb} option is used, the command \verb+\onlinecite{#1}+ will put the reference citations on-line. It was used in the preceding paragraph. Note that the location of citations must be adjusted to the reference style: the superscript references in {\tt prb} style must appear after punctuation; other styles must appear before any punctuation. This sample was written for the regular (non-{\tt prb}) citation style, but invoking the {\tt prb} option will show the results of the command \verb+\onlinecite{#1}+ in the preceding paragraph. \section{Displayed equations} \subsection{Another second-level heading} \subsubsection{Third-level heading:\protect\\ The line break was forced via $\backslash\backslash$} \label{sec:level3} Here is the first sentence in Sec.\ \ref{sec:level3}, demonstrating section cross-referencing. In \LaTeX\ there are many different ways to display equations, and a few preferred ways are noted below. Displayed math will center by default. \paragraph{Fourth-level heading: Single-line equations.} Below we have single-line equations with numbers; this is the most common type of equation in {\it Physical Review\/}: \begin{equation} \chi_+(p)\alt{\bf [}2|{\bf p}|(|{\bf p}|+p_z){\bf ]}^{-1/2} \left( \begin{array}{c} |{\bf p}|+p_z\\ px+ip_y \end{array}\right)\;, \end{equation} \begin{equation} \left\{\openone234567890abc123\alpha\beta\gamma\delta% 1234556\alpha\beta{1\sum^{a}_{b}\over A^2}\right\}\label{one}. \end{equation} Note the open one in Eq.\ (\ref{one}). Not all numbered equations will fit within a narrow column this way. The equation number will move down automatically if it cannot fit on the same line with a one-line equation: \begin{equation} \left\{ab12345678abc123456abcdef\alpha\beta\gamma\delta% 1234556\alpha\beta{1\sum^{a}_{b}\over A^2}\right\}. \end{equation} When the \verb+\label{#1}+ command is used [cf. input for Eq. (\ref{one})], the equation can be referred to in text without your knowing the %*** %*** E n d o f p a g e 2 o f g a l l e y - m o d e o u t p u t %*** equation number that \TeX\ will assign to it. Just use \verb+\ref{#1}+, where \verb+#1+ is the same name that you used in the \verb+\label{#1}+ command. The \verb+\FL+ and \verb+\FR+ commands will set displayed math flush left and flush right, respectively. Just insert the \verb+\FL+ or \verb+\FR+ command before the displayed math begins. For example, here is an equation flushed left: \FL \begin{equation} \left\{ab12345678bcdef\alpha\beta\gamma\delta% 1234556\alpha\beta{1\sum^{a}_{b}\over A^2}\right\}. \end{equation} You shouldn't need \verb+\FL+ and \verb+\FR+ very often. If you have a single-line equation that you don't want numbered, you can use the \btt{[}, \btt{]} format: \[g^+g^+ \rightarrow g^+g^+g^+g^+ \dots ~,~~q^+q^+\rightarrow q^+g^+g^+ \dots ~. \] \subsubsection{Multiline equations} Multiline equations are obtained by using the \btt{begin$\{$eqnarray$\}$}, \btt{end$\{$eqnarray$\}$} format. Use the \btt{nonumber} command at the end of each line where you do not want a number: \begin{eqnarray} {\cal M}=&&ig_Z^2(4E_1E_2)^{1/2}(l_i^2)^{-1} \delta_{\sigma_1,-\sigma_2} (g_{\sigma_2}^e)^2\chi_{-\sigma_2}(p_2)\nonumber\\ &&\times [\epsilon_jl_i\epsilon_i]_{\sigma_1}\chi_{\sigma_1}(p_1), \end{eqnarray} \begin{eqnarray} \sum \vert M^{\rm viol}_g \vert ^2&=&g^{2n-4}_S(Q^2)~N^{n-2} (N^2-1)\nonumber \\ & &\times \left( \sum_{i