This installation has been transferred from Jupiter (HP); the functionality should be the same, only the menus look different. MENU Click "Local" on the main Toolchest menu. "TeX setup" can be selected immediately, or the full TeX menu can be selected first. Start by pressing either "TeX setup" or "TeX lettI", etc. (the latter will preload templates into your *.tex file; use unique names - this script set does not destroy existing files). To fix the menu on the desktop, tear it off. This must be done at each login. FILE MANAGER TeX-related files have associated mouse actions (mouse button 3). To activate, press the button 1, then button 3, and select the action. DROPPING FILES You can locate the program /usr/local/scripts/TeXsetup.csh using the File Manager, and drag it to your desktop (mouse button 1). TeX source files can be dropped on the icon; setup is started. PUTTING FILES ON THE DESKTOP A frequently used TeX file can be dragged to the desktop from the File Manager. TeX setup can be run directly from the file icon, or the file can be dropped onto the TeXsetup.csh icon, if any. All changes are reflected in the file's directory. Notes The .log files contain TeX/LaTeX reports; the .tex.bkp files are copies of the .tex files before editing. Both types of files should be deleted by hand from time to time. "TeX cleanup" kills all windows except the editor window, and deletes the .aux, .dvi, .lis, .log and .ps files originating from the selected .tex file. There may be a quirk or two. The File Manager sometimes does not update the directory contents immediately. No harm will be done by selecting "TeX cleanup" just in case ... R. Krivec 97/02/14, 03/17.