------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSITION TO THE NEW SYSTEM VUE is being replaced by CDE (Common Desktop Environment). Most of the functionality will be the same. Don't forget that Front Panel controls should be clicked only once. For mail, you can use elm in a text window (via modem etc.), or the builtin nice graphical interface; they both see the same files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION NEW USERS - how to start - Vocabulary: action == icon line command == command you type in a text window - Read this file ("L" icon, or "linfo" command) - "showloc" command - News (icon "NEWS", command "news", action "news"; news shows at login automatically - Read internal HELP for utilities (TeX,...) - HP CDE/VUE help - man pages ("man -k string" finds relevant pages) GOOD POLICY Users are advised to log out/log in from time to time to see various announcements. All announcements are on-line. LOCAL INSTALLATIONS Local utilities appear in CDE in at least one of these forms: (1) actions (icons) in the Application Manager (double-click/drop): put on workspace background with the mouse; (2) controls on the Front Panel (single-click/drop) Help on controls: open the pop-up Help panel (click above the `?'), click `On Item', then click the control you want help on; (3) line commands (use "showloc" to list these); (4) various programs in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/X11R5/bin (these are added to your path automatically) NB. Using actions is strongly advised. Running `mathematica', `xsky', etc., from command line is not supported and may not work properly. All actions defined for CDE are also callable from fvwm and other window managers you may prefer. Please consult sysdmin for details. Terminal windows: all windows are set to VT100 and emulate application keypad in the EDT style. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIFIC UTILITIES PRINTING (1) printer pop-up panel (2) Text commands: lp (Laserjet) lp -df1djcm (color printer) TeX Preferred use: click the lion icon or drop a file on it. Pop-up the subpanel with TeX actions. HELP: click "Menu help" in the lion icon pop-up subpanel. File manager: TeX-related files have attached actions (click with mouse button 3). MAIL elm (or the mail icon on Front Panel). Changing mail destination: pop-up Local Applications, click 'E-mail redirect'. Notify the F1 sysadmin to set up mail locally. EMACS Action "Xemacs". For in-window work, use "xemacs -nw" (this applies for example to working via modem). MATHEMATICA Action "X-Math". JED editor Jed is a fast-starting editor emulating emacs and Vax EDT. Ask sysadmin to provide you with a .jedrc file. Commands: jed (text version, very fast) xjed (window version, also fast) NEWS Fresh news appear in VUE at login; for browsing, use the NEWS action. THIS FILE Click the icon with a `L' or write 'linfo' in a text window. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------